HTML techniques - labelling form controls (no blocker)

In the HTML techniques document, there is a technique called labeling form

This technique explicitely associates labels with their form elements using
the for attribute. However, in the example, both the name and the id of the
form control are the same, which makes it impossible for a reader to see
which of the two attributes the for-attribute refers to. Perhaps the name of
the form element can be changed to something different to it's clear that
the for-attribute of the label refers to the id-element of the form control.
I think it would be best to explain this in text as well ("The value of the
for-attribute must be the same as the id of the form element the label
refers to" or something like that).

Yvette Hoitink
CEO Heritas, Enschede, The Netherlands

Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 11:26:21 UTC