Custom User Interfaces

During the Feb 27, 2003 telecon, we discussed custom user interfaces and
how they might relate to various concepts being provided by companies
across the Internet now.
The first element I'd like to present is Educational programs.
There are many Java-based educational applications being developed for
use on the Internet.  I spoke with a senior developer with an
educational program development company was provided the following
They have two formats:
(1) Server-client using TCP/IP to download/upload assignments.  The
assignment is downloaded and performed on the client computer and
uploaded for grading purposes.  This application format does not require
a browser, but rather a custom user interface with the capabilities to
connect through the Internet.
(2) Server-based using a browser to complete assignments.  The
technology used for this particular format is Java Servlet.
The second element I'd like to present is server-based word processing
and other "office" applications.
(1) A user agent is provided to the client company to put on the client
computers making the client computer "dumby-like" terminals.  This
technology requires that the computer be connected to the server through
the Internet on a TCP/IP connection.  The interfaces are provided to the
client computer once the client computer presents the appropriate
information from the client software.
(2) A browser is required to perform the functions required to present
the application interface.  So, for word processing a word processor
interface is provided to the client once they have indicated they wish
to create a text document.  For a spreadsheet application the
spreadsheet interface is provided.
All of the above scenarios require connection to the Internet and
presentation of a custom user interface.  The question at hand is do all
the above scenarios fall under UAAG or do some of them fall under
"custom user interfaces" as described in WCAG?
Lee Roberts
Rose Rock Design, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 4 March 2003 09:47:16 UTC