15 Jan 2003 - WCAG Techniques Teleconference Minutes

Available at: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2003/01/15-minutes.html

Short summary:
- Richard Ishida gave overview of his extensions to the xmlspec dtd for 
techniques (includes some of the elements/ideas from our techniques schema)
- Wendy took an action to play with this schema and see how it works for 
html techniques.
- Discussed the testability issues raised last week and discussed on the list
- Decided to meet again next week (22 January) at the same time (10-11:30
EST) with the following agenda:
      - schema
      - perhaps issues with requirements
- Discussed proposed timeline for the next few months.

Other action items:
- action ben: create interactive mock-up
- action michael: add ben's proposal to draft of techniques requirements.
- action michael: draft something describing how we're categorizing testable
- action michael: take a stab at reorg document so that common stuff 
(e.g.,  audience) is more obviously applicable to both checklists and 
- action michael: draft something that will attempt to clarify different 

Please send corrections and omissions.


wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 14:54:09 UTC