Re: SVG Icons [Re: Guideline 3.4 comment (ralative vs. absolute units)]

Vadim and others may like to comment on a recent posting to
(does this relate to the slow uptake of SVG?)

3.8 Is the relationship between vector, raster, clipping and scaling 
receiving sufficient attention, given that SVG does not at present 
offer an independent method for representing photographic type images.

Clipping, masking and object opacity

is it possible to:
scale clipping gracefully?
implement simply?

please compare with jpg and gif, with which:
masked images scale well
a fill tool will often clip simply and attractively (no harsh edges.)

or is SVG more reasonably compared with image maps, which are intended 
to be viewed at a pre-determined scale?

If anyone has an example of a scaling clipped region that uses a 
photographic type image, and remains attractive, whilst being easily 
implemented, or cannot understand this issue, then please excuse this 
post and advise me.


Jonathan Chetwynd is a web directory for people with severe learning 
difficulties, and uses many photographs of faces, to enhance clarity 
backgrounds are either transparent or the same colour as the 
(pre-chosen CSS) background. When resizing the window, all images scale 
reasonably in real time.

ps: Vadim
great to see your lovely icons.
have you visited recently?
we have a very real and present need for easily understood icons.

Received on Sunday, 17 November 2002 07:56:11 UTC