WCAG conformance profiles

I propose that WCAG 2.0 introduce the notion of a conformance profile,
as defined below. In practice this would involve only a minor
adjustment to the conformance scheme as specified in the latest
working draft.

A conformance profile specifies the level at which conformance is
claimed (1, 1+, 2, 2+ or 3). In the case of level 1+ or level 2+, the
conformance profile must also include a list of checkpoints (beyond
level 1 or level 2, respectively) to which conformance is claimed at a
higher level. A conformance profile may be provided either in text or
as metadata.

A conformance claim must include a conformance profile, either
directly or via a link. The possibility of linking to a conformance
profile offers the flexibility inherent in this proposal that
conformance profiles can be specified separately from the conformance
claims that refer to them, for example by policy setters. This should
also simplify the author's task by allowing a link to be used in place
of a complex (inline) conformance profile.

The term "conformance profile" may, but need not, itself be used in
the guidelines, as long as the substance of the proposal remains

We should also provide sample conformance profiles corresponding, as
approximately as practicable, to the three WCAG 1.0 conformance
levels, together with any other profiles that are deemed desirable.

Comments? Suggestions? Counter-proposals?

Received on Sunday, 17 November 2002 02:58:49 UTC