RE: Trying to better explain concern about mappingtechnology-specificsto success criteria

Lisa Seeman writes:
 > I bring this up because it was explained to me on a recent teleconference
 > (where we were discussing Hebrew vowels) that our conditions for a
 > requirement to be level one success criteria include that it is commonly
 > implemented.

I think that view was expressed, but if memory serves correctly it
wasn't adopted. As I remember, the reason for leaving it at level 2
(checkpoint 1.5) for now was that further investigation had to be
carried out to determine whether algorithms existed that could
reliably handle the problem, for example as the result of document
analysis and translation research. If the tool exists then the
requirement as stated in checkpoint 1.5 is already satisfied in any

This is an issue we decided to revisit after finding out what tools
were available or could be constructed, and as I remember there are
outstanding action items to that effect (Lisa, Cynthia and others?).

Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2002 04:04:11 UTC