RE: Multiple versions of a page


This kind of goes back to some hard issues of values.  Is it appropriate
to make something harder for a person with a single disability
because they may have the same disability as someone who has
additional disabilities or is it appropriate to make it harder for
someone with multiple disabilities than it is for someone with
a single disability?  A naive answer might be that designers can make
it equally easy for both people.  While this might be achievable in
some situations, it is most likely requires additional resources
to accomplish this.  Forcing the use of a single web page format
brings up these questions.

I think that until some effort is put into looking at various potential
categorizations, it probably doesn't make sense to look at how to handle
such aspects of user/browser specification of features.


> The problem with reasonable grouping as I see it is that it doesn’t
> allow for multiple disabilities -- cause they are random.
> A person can have any mix or subset of 
> Low vision (many types)
> Blindness
> Hearing Impairments (many types)
> Deafness
> Physical disabilities (many types)
> Cognitive disabilities
> Language disabilities 
> Seizure disorders
> Or all of the above (and I have had clients with all of the above)
> Since you can have any combination,  how can you have 'logical
> groupings" of access features?
> I LIKE server side tuning for different combinations of the above.  But
> unless we have a very sophisticated means to ask, discuss, negotiate and
> come up with the right combination of features ---- for all browsers (or
> a vast majority )  then we need  to have a default, cross disability
> accessible version --- don’t we?
> Gregg

Received on Saturday, 23 March 2002 00:12:21 UTC