Re: comments 1, 3 and 6

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Neff" <>
> Food for thought. Been thinking about the button created by input=image.
> This is widely used and don't think it can be avoided as it is also
> widely noted in many books.  If you think the coordinates do not need to
> be posted, then may I suggest keep them off, however, u can always put a
> note that some browsers may require this.

Well, to go over the function of the image input, there are two ways in
which it's used:

1) As a replacement for input type="submit", to show custom submit button
images. For this application, the input communicates no info of its own to
the server (and in most cases, the data produced by the input is discarded),
so the technique of creating text equivalents should be sufficient. This is
the part that is already in the techniques.

2) The case you're talking about, where the user clicks on the input, and
the server processes the x and y coordinates. (An input image named "sample"
actually sends form values of "sample.x" and "sample.y", with the values
corresponding to the point the image was clicked.) If this is the case, then
the image is being used as both a submit button and a server-side imagemap,
and should instead satisfy the requirements relevant to server-side
imagemaps. I think the techniques could be expanded with another example to
demonstrate this distinction.


Received on Thursday, 21 March 2002 17:13:19 UTC