W3C process

Sometimes I wonder if there should be a "fully deployed" status tracked
for W3C recommendations, once it gets past the official status of
"recommendation", such that certain criteria (number of independent
implementations, compliance statistics, deployment in the general
public) must be met for certain recommendations to be considered

This would then serve as a measure of the effectiveness of the W3C in
promoting standards, a check on the issuance of standards which are
never adopted as such, and an encouragement to do post-rec support
and promotion beyond simply the issuance of a document.


Kynn Bartlett <kynn@idyllmtn.com>                 http://kynn.com
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain            http://idyllmtn.com
Web Accessibility Expert-for-hire          http://kynn.com/resume
Next Book: Teach Yourself CSS in 24       http://cssin24hours.com

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 15:08:00 UTC