RE: event handlers Re: [w3c-wai-gl] <none>

Here's the list of the HTML 4.01 event attributes, as listed in the spec: 

Next to each, I put whether its:
- "mouse"
- "keyboard"
- "keyboard or mouse" (a.k.a, "device-independent" or "generic")
- "other"

1. onblur - keyboard or mouse
2. onchange - keyboard or mouse. (Fired when element loses focus via keyboard or mouse, plus input value had changed.)
3. onclick - mouse
4. ondblclick - mouse
5. onfocus - keyboard or mouse
6. onkeydown - keyboard 
7. onkeypress - keyboard 
8. onkeyup - keyboard 
9. onload - other (body or frameset loaded)
10. onmousedown - mouse
11. onmousemove - mouse
12. onmouseout - mouse
13. onmouseover - mouse
14. onmouseup - mouse
15. onreset - other (form reset)
16. onselect - keyboard or mouse. (Fired when user selects text in INPUT or TEXTAREA)
17. onsubmit - other (form submitted)
18. onunload - other (frames removed)

The MS Developer Network (MSDN) Library also has info on DHTML event attributes at: This reference lists a lot of additional events, so you have to look at the "Standards Information" for each element to see if its part of HTML 4.0 or not.


Received on Thursday, 3 January 2002 23:33:34 UTC