list of action items from last 3 meetings

from 28 march

Action WAC and LGR discuss proposal for disclaimer for non-W3C techs. Also, 
process. Chase up Judy's idea about W3C member submission. Review section 8 
of the Process document - Member Submission.

Action MM, CS, WAC apply the techniques dtd to Core techniques, CSS and 

Action WAC clean up issues list.

Action Editors: Propose wording for color contrast checkpoint (use existing 
2.2 from WCAG 1.0) with some success criteria?

Action LR: draft success criteria for contrast checkpoint.

Action CS either find previously proposed checkpoint for switching between 
multiple renderings or propose one.

Action ASW: map WCAG 2.0 against IBM guidelines.

Resolved: we want to keep ourselves up to date with other guidelines, but 
not keep a mapping between WCAG and other guidelines up to date. We will 
keep mapping of WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0 up to date

Action WAC: find someone to help keep internal list of other guidelines so 
we can track other work in this area.

Action WAC: while cleaning up issues list, issue #58 needs some digging. 
Why did we get rid of this? Where did it go? Under navigation mechanisms?

Action LR find out more about testing for flicker rate.

 From F2F, 23 march
Action GV: does Chinese, signed languages, etc. have "words." If we use 
this language, does it imply that the only way to make it perceived in 
another modality would be to use words instead of notation, e.g. music and 

 From F2F, 24 march
group agrees to use new groupings but still need one for 5th group 
(cross-cutting issues)
agreed to wait until we work on the checkpoints and then high level wording 
for guideline 5 will suggest itself.

ACTION: Wendy to check W3C processes to ensure that we can include 
conformance requirements in "notes"

ACTION: Editors will draft the conformance scheme so that the working group 
can comment. Due date: April 7, 2002

done ACTION: Wendy to follow-up with Cynthia about possible 
issues/additions for EARL.

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative
seattle, wa usa

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2002 17:50:33 UTC