Re: 20 Sept 2001 minutes

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Jim Ley wrote:

> I am absolutely horrified by the notion of requiring scripts, we have CERT
> advisory's stating scripting should be disabled, we have a level of
> scripting ability amongst developers that is pathetic, most can hardly
> make scripts that work, let alone scripts that work and are accessible.
> There's little that scripts give that make otherwise inaccessible content
> accessible (are there some examples or even just ideas?)

When I first 'met' you on Usenet, Jim, I had pretty-much given up ever
seeing useful scripting on web pages.  However, you have shown me a
range of really worthwhile script-based techniques that can be applied
at the _client_ side irrespective of the page-authors' intentions ;-)
that can help with accessing the (variously misguided) authors'

> I'm extremely pro-scripting, but it cannot and should not be relied on in
> webpages.

By and large I'm afraid I have to agree with that verdict (after all,
if most of the page-provided scripts are notable only for their
nuisance value, and a not-insignificant small fraction are for
exploiting security holes, is it any wonder that users disable
scripting or filter it out?); but you've shown a number of useful
techniques which the client can apply, and it seems to me this has
considerable prospects for further development and exploitation.

all the best

Received on Saturday, 22 September 2001 16:53:24 UTC