Re: Bandwidth as a constraint


         Thanks for you input here.... hadn't thought of PDF in that light, 
but is a nuisance. I think it is used to keep documents similar across 
various media. It seems to be very popular in government offices - much of 
what we get from the state dept of ed these days is in PDF format ....

         Is PDF more of a bandwidth hog than graphics, or about the same?


At 08:27 PM 8/30/01 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>Bandwidth is a problem for people. There are bandwidth-intesive ways to send
>content (the overblown PDF that some tools generate is an example) that are
>unnecessary, and that cause problems for people who live in areas where
>infrastructure is poor.
>I am not sure that we should have a blanket checkpoint on this, anymore than
>I think a blanket checkpoint saying "add multimedia" is good, although both
>of these things are clearly good principles to keep in mind.
>Do we have anywhere a list of the things we think are good ideas?
>On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, Anne Pemberton wrote:
>   Bandwidth-intensive content cannot deprive anyone of anything. It is the
>   receiving hardware that deprives. That is the point of saying "Include
>   Illustrations" .... if they aren't there, everyone loses no matter which
>   world they live in.

Anne Pemberton

Received on Friday, 31 August 2001 06:54:25 UTC