Re: AccessKeys and what to use

OK, I think I get where you are at.

As far as I can tell there is some value in being able to say "this thing is
important enough to have a special trigger (either to get there, or to
activate it)". The point is that if we rely on users being able to generate
any character we are lost, and if we can't internationalise this we are still
lost, and if we rely on a certain keyboard layout we are lost.

So as far as I can tell this thing has to be a hint to work. Although it is a
useful thing, and we would like it to work.

In the meantime, if people use it, they can go for things that already work
(seems like there are a handful of numbers) or can hope that it gets fixed
and so use the spec as is.


On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Al Gilman wrote:

  AG:: David has a point.  AccessKey makes assumptions about the delivery
  environment in a way which is not fully device independent.  This
  protocol is part of what should be reviewed before it moves forward in
  XHTML 2.0.  If we're going to tell the DI people these things have to
  have 'hint' status, we should see to it that HTML plays by the rules.

  Or at least I haven't understood it if there is a coherent approach to
  the blending of input bindings.

  The device independent methods are "comeToMe" and/or "doMeImmediate" and
  the UI bindings for these methods have scopes and have to be blendable
  into the established environment of the delivery context.

Received on Friday, 24 August 2001 20:42:48 UTC