3.4 illustration page RE: NEW DRAFT - 31 July 2001

The amaya alternative version of the page:

Some things to play with

Status of this document
This is a rough playing space for my ideas on illustrating concepts, as a way
of understanding how to provide better information about it in the Web
Content Accessibiltiy Guidelines. Feedback should be sent to the WCAG working
group's mailing list.  Please look at the archives for relevant threads.

This page was last updated at $Date: 2001/08/01 23:16:08 $ and Charles
McCathieNevile produced it and may or may not have time to maintain it.

Some illustrations for WCAG 2.0 draft of 31 July 2001, checkpoint 3.4
Note that if you are using Internet Explorer it seems not to support HTML 4
(according to user feedback), so I am still working on ways to make this page
work properly for browsers that do and work better for that browser.

There are two multimedia illustrations of the proposed checkpoint 3.4 in the
31 July draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. One is an image:

[CMN bug note - it should have provided the alt text for the img element here
- "the image being described:" (end bug note)]


  This is a cartoon. On the left is a person looking in confusion at a poster
  of text. On the right the text has had images added to explain it, and "the
  light has dawned" - the person now understands the poster.

The other is a sound file:

  Sound file: http://www.w3.org/2001/08/mmcmn/34sound.aif consists of the
  following text:

  3.4 Supplement text with non-text contentSome people can't
  read writing easily, so add images, sounds, movies and so on to help them
  understand your message

Comments on these are welcome - please add them to the
existing thread on these illustrations. I intend to update them, at the very
least to include metadata pointing to the different alternative forms. But I
don't know when.

(end page quote. Seems that your browser doesn't understand HTML 4, which
doesn't seem like a good advertisement for it. But if it doesn't handle the
plugin, that's a different problem. In any event, you should either get the
objects rendered or you should get a link to the object. Otherwise there is
a big bad bug in how your browser works, and I am not sure what the
workaround is.)



On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Gregg Vanderheiden wrote:

  Nothing on this page works with my browser

  Can you tell me  what the non-text is that is on the page?


  (sorry for the irony)

  -- ------------------------------
  Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D.
  Professor - Human Factors
  Dept of Ind. Engr. - U of Wis.
  Director - Trace R & D Center
  Gv@trace.wisc.edu <mailto:Gv@trace.wisc.edu>, <http://trace.wisc.edu/>
  FAX 608/262-8848 
  For a list of our listserves send “lists” to listproc@trace.wisc.edu

  -----Original Message-----
  From: w3c-wai-gl-request@w3.org [mailto:w3c-wai-gl-request@w3.org] On
  Behalf Of Charles McCathieNevile
  Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 3:19 AM
  To: Joel Sanda
  Cc: 'Anne Pemberton'; w3c-wai-gl@w3.org
  Subject: RE: NEW DRAFT - 31 July 2001

  Well, I have put a bit of sound and graphics online at
  http://www.w3.org/2001/08/mmcmn that might be a start at how to actually
  illustrate 3.4 in a manner that would meet 3.4.

  That page isn't an attempt to use those things in situ - it is a home
  them to be seen, that includes (rudimentary) text equivalents. Note that
  have cut the image down to one sixth size and it worked for me, which I
  thought was good for something that is 640x480 naturally.

  Comments welcome, but be kind - I already know that I am not a graphic
  designer <grin/> or communicator of any great talent.



  On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Joel Sanda wrote:

    Anne -

    The idea of content stabilization is a valid point, but what if
    changes are frequent? Any content that changes will need to be
  designed in
    alternative formats.

    Take the WCAG 2.0 document. Is there, since the content isn't stable
    always changing, no way to build it so it can conform to the WCAG 2.0
    it is stable? That means that, as a working document, it cannot be
    accessible, at least according to the WCAG 2.0.

    My concern is the way 3.4 is written now the group working on the WCAG
    can't adhere to the point while the document is in a working draft.
  What if
    someone on the group had to have content in a form specified by 3.4,
    can't get it because the content isn't stable?

    Joel Sanda
    Product Manager

    > p. 303.873.7400 x3021
    > f.  303.632.1721

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Anne Pemberton [mailto:apembert@erols.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:27 PM
    To: Wendy A Chisholm; w3c-wai-gl@w3.org
    Subject: Re: NEW DRAFT - 31 July 2001

    Wendy, Paul, and all,

             I have absolutely no objections to anything in the newest
    draft.  I will try to read it through tomorrow and give you some help
  on at
    least one of the places you asked for help, and, if no one tells you
    there are a few typo/grammar errors that I spotted reading through it.

             I am so grateful for Paul Bohman's version .... his
    these documents into usable segments helped me understand the
    of the document and it was easier to use this time than previous --
    cause I've seen Paul's organization ... <grin> ...

             Wendy, Joel Sanda asks about illustrating the illustration
    content. Can you tell him where to see what I did last time we were
    to do that? We need to stabilize the text before we begin to build the
    illustrations. Is your illustrator joining us?

             I look forward to this draft passing the consensus so we
    have to hang a label over this one "under construction" ... with the
    earthmover icon!....


    At 01:45 PM 7/31/01 -0400, Wendy A Chisholm wrote:
    >A new draft is available.  The 26 July 2001 version did not have
    >to checkpoints 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4. This draft updates
    >those, as well as incorporates discussion on checkpoint 2.1 from the
    >July 2001 telecon on the 26 July 2001 working draft.
    >Again, I suggest people read the change log first:
    >I have identified several issues again and highlighted major changes,
    >as combining checkpoints.
    >I included my proposed checkpoint 3.4 with some minor changes.  I
    >forward to responses on this.  If it is too controversial, I will
    >back to the previous draft or suggest people provide proposals for
    >something that is more acceptable.  We are working to publish a
    >working draft on 10 August 2001.  We don't need to have consensus for
    >working draft, but we also don't want to publish anything that
    >substantial errors or disagreement.
    >If possible, we might just put a placeholder for checkpoint 3.4 that
    >"A checkpoint on providing illustrations will go here. The working
    >does not have sufficient agreement to publish anything at this time."
    >The draft itself is available at:
    >For the latest draft, always refer to:
    >This redirects to the current version.
    >I look forward to your comments.
    >wendy a chisholm
    >world wide web consortium
    >web accessibility initiative
    >seattle, wa usa

    Anne Pemberton


  Charles McCathieNevile    http://www.w3.org/People/Charles  phone: +61
  409 134 136
  W3C Web Accessibility Initiative     http://www.w3.org/WAI    fax: +1
  617 258 5999
  Location: 21 Mitchell street FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia
  (or W3C INRIA, Route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,

Charles McCathieNevile    http://www.w3.org/People/Charles  phone: +61 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative     http://www.w3.org/WAI    fax: +1 617 258 5999
Location: 21 Mitchell street FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia
(or W3C INRIA, Route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France)

Received on Thursday, 2 August 2001 08:55:17 UTC