RE: 28 March 2001 working draft


	Took a  quick stab at illustrating what I mean, but instead of pictures
(which I don't have the time to find) or icons/symbols (that I don't have
the time or reason to develop), I have illustrated it by adding text in
pointed thingys < > and will upload the page to you in a few minutes. If
you think it's helpful, I'll put on the web somewhere and let others see it. 

	I used the white house page to create the example, mainly because it was
first on your list, and because it was already pretty well illustrated -
just needed refinements ... which I felt I could tell you about quickly. 


At 12:32 AM 3/30/01 -0600, Gregg Vanderheiden wrote:
>I still do not understand what you are suggesting.    I know that pictures
>can be used on special pages for people with cognitive disabilities, but I
>do not see how they can be used on standard pages to convey the standard
>information on those pages.  (and that is what the guidelines are about)
>Could you please illustrate (no pun intended) what you mean by recreating
>the GL home page with pictures that would convey the information on the page
>with pictures (and with no text except Greeked text).    Or do any one of
>the following sites so that it can be understood with the words removed (or
>changed into Greek characters).
>These are all sites that need to have guidelines to tell them how they
>should design their sites.   I don't see how you can convey the information
>on these or most web pages via pictures.    If you could do one or two of
>these up for us I think it would go a long way to helping us understand what
>you mean.   You can just copy a page into word and do it if you like.
>Thanks much
>-- ------------------------------
>Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D.
>Professor - Human Factors
>Depts of Ind. and Biomed. Engr. - U of Wis.
>Director - Trace R & D Center
>FAX 608/262-8848
>For a list of our listserves send "lists" to
> -----Original Message-----
>From: []  On
>Behalf Of Anne Pemberton
>Sent:	Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:08 AM
>To:	Wendy A Chisholm;
>Subject:	Re: 28 March 2001 working draft
>	I am not saying that your statement isn't true, it is, but not for a
>significant portion of the affected population and not nearly so effective
>as providing illustrations, which with the speech can make a nifty fix, but
>not without illustrations ....
>	That's why it's wrong and misleading. Wrong, in the sense that it is not
>the greatest need of non-readers using the web.  We need to look into
>equivalents for text not just text equivalents... If we are presenting four
>scenarios, at least one should make it clear that text is not always the
>common denominator ...
>					Anne
>						Anne
>At 10:28 AM 3/29/01 -0500, Wendy A Chisholm wrote:
>>>Wendy, In the "Presentation and Interaction"  section of the introduction,
>>>you listed a few scenarios of how disabled people use the web, but the
>>>one is very wrong and misleading.
>>> >Someone who does not read well may want to hear the information and >see
>>>words highlighted as they are read.
>>Have you ever heard of WYNN [1]?  It's a tool created by AccessAbility,
>>Inc. to help people who have difficulties reading.  It provides a variety
>>of cues and configurations to help people read text.  For example, for some
>>people the letters might bleed together if the letters are too close
>>together, so with WYNN you can configure how much space appears between
>>each letter.  It will also highlight words as it reads them outloud to you.
>>CAST has a similar tool called "eReader" [2]. Here is a statement on their
>>product web page, "CAST eReader is a software tool designed to support
>>learners of all ages who may lack the skills needed to read materials
>>independently. The software can take electronic text content from any
>>source and read it using synthesized speech and visual highlighting. The
>>program's universal design features allow it to meet a wide range of needs,
>>abilities and interests, supporting those who have difficulty reading. "
>>Therefore, I don't think it is "wrong." There are a variety of reading
>>difficulties that one can experience and there are a variety of strategies
>>to make reading easier or possible depending on the needs of the reader.
>>wendy a chisholm
>>world wide web consortium
>>web accessibility initiative
>>madison, wi usa
>>tel: +1 608 663 6346
>Anne Pemberton
Anne Pemberton

Received on Friday, 30 March 2001 12:04:03 UTC