RE: 28 March 2001 working draft


I still do not understand what you are suggesting.    I know that pictures
can be used on special pages for people with cognitive disabilities, but I
do not see how they can be used on standard pages to convey the standard
information on those pages.  (and that is what the guidelines are about)

Could you please illustrate (no pun intended) what you mean by recreating
the GL home page with pictures that would convey the information on the page
with pictures (and with no text except Greeked text).    Or do any one of
the following sites so that it can be understood with the words removed (or
changed into Greek characters).

These are all sites that need to have guidelines to tell them how they
should design their sites.   I don't see how you can convey the information
on these or most web pages via pictures.    If you could do one or two of
these up for us I think it would go a long way to helping us understand what
you mean.   You can just copy a page into word and do it if you like.

Thanks much


-- ------------------------------
Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Professor - Human Factors
Depts of Ind. and Biomed. Engr. - U of Wis.
Director - Trace R & D Center,
FAX 608/262-8848
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 -----Original Message-----
From: []  On
Behalf Of Anne Pemberton
Sent:	Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:08 AM
To:	Wendy A Chisholm;
Subject:	Re: 28 March 2001 working draft


	I am not saying that your statement isn't true, it is, but not for a
significant portion of the affected population and not nearly so effective
as providing illustrations, which with the speech can make a nifty fix, but
not without illustrations ....

	That's why it's wrong and misleading. Wrong, in the sense that it is not
the greatest need of non-readers using the web.  We need to look into
equivalents for text not just text equivalents... If we are presenting four
scenarios, at least one should make it clear that text is not always the
common denominator ...



At 10:28 AM 3/29/01 -0500, Wendy A Chisholm wrote:
>>Wendy, In the "Presentation and Interaction"  section of the introduction,
>>you listed a few scenarios of how disabled people use the web, but the
>>one is very wrong and misleading.
>> >Someone who does not read well may want to hear the information and >see
>>words highlighted as they are read.
>Have you ever heard of WYNN [1]?  It's a tool created by AccessAbility,
>Inc. to help people who have difficulties reading.  It provides a variety
>of cues and configurations to help people read text.  For example, for some
>people the letters might bleed together if the letters are too close
>together, so with WYNN you can configure how much space appears between
>each letter.  It will also highlight words as it reads them outloud to you.
>CAST has a similar tool called "eReader" [2]. Here is a statement on their
>product web page, "CAST eReader is a software tool designed to support
>learners of all ages who may lack the skills needed to read materials
>independently. The software can take electronic text content from any
>source and read it using synthesized speech and visual highlighting. The
>program's universal design features allow it to meet a wide range of needs,
>abilities and interests, supporting those who have difficulty reading. "
>Therefore, I don't think it is "wrong." There are a variety of reading
>difficulties that one can experience and there are a variety of strategies
>to make reading easier or possible depending on the needs of the reader.
>wendy a chisholm
>world wide web consortium
>web accessibility initiative
>madison, wi usa
>tel: +1 608 663 6346
Anne Pemberton

Received on Friday, 30 March 2001 01:33:52 UTC