Re: Vector Graphical Alternatives

The generic requirement is for [markup and/or external metadata, if reliably
usable] indicating a range of relationships to cover but not necessarily be
identical to the notion of "equivalency" as used in WCAG 1.0.

Longdesc is as presently defined inappropriate.  html:object and smil:switch
fit to some degree.  These are also not dead center in their connotations.  We
need the capability to know the relationship in some subtlety, but also to be
able to say vague things.  What you are getting into is the need for a better
information model concerning accessible content, and implementation of this
information model via Web format syntax(es).



for where this has been raised as an XHTML 2.0 wishlist item.


At 02:19 PM 2001-02-12 +0000, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>I'm not sure if this has already come up, but a decent thing to require if
>text-in-images is used is that there be some pointer to a vector based
>alternative. Sometimes it is difficult to convey the same semantics from
>pictures to text, but if there were a slightly more accessible version of
>that image, it would be a help. I thought of this as I was preparing to
>draw yet another node and arc diagram for EARL, and realised how difficult
>it would be for a complex graph to put into words. Using SVG for this would
>be brilliant. Could you use longdesc for that, and then embed the SVG into
>the longdesc page?
>Kindest Regards,
>Sean B. Palmer
>@prefix : <<>> .
>[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage
<<>> .

Received on Monday, 12 February 2001 12:41:20 UTC