Updating 2.4, re-revised

Time-outs are a real barrier, so leaving them out of the guidelines is
not a solution. If time-outs are needed for economic or security
reasons, the provider ought to provide a bypass - for example, by
letting disabled users register and get a "bypass timeouts" cookie.
So I'll try again:

2.4 Do not limit the time that a user may need to understand or
interact with your content.
        * Provide disabled users with a way to bypass any demand to
          respond within a preset period.
        * Use automatic refresh and delayed redirection only when
          necessary to bring superceded content up to date.
        * Content must cooperate with user agent mechanisms for
          preventing motion (including flicker, blinking, flashing,
          self-scrolling etc) and for control of the rate at which
          motion occurs. Note that flicker effects can cause
          seizures in people with photoepilepsy.

				Adam Reed
Context matters. Seldom does *anything* have only one cause.

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2001 23:35:40 UTC