Re: Graphic Designers work - potential for WCAG?

I'd suggest that icons are generally known and well recognised examples such as buttons, and logos, Anne's are perhaps for this reason illustrations.
She of course will know better.

The guidelines are currently remarkably short of either.

merely including photographs of chaarls or judy creates a very different feel to the document.

I'd like to propose that the main outcome of the Amsterdam meeting 'could' be a group photo.
It's amazing but in years to come it could easily be the most valuable contribution we can make over the 2/3 days.
Pictures hang in the memory.

modern multimedia interactive training CDs are capable of presenting complex materials in a variety of ways to suit a variety of preferred learning styles. They use plenty of graphics, photographs, speech, and very little text in my experience.

We may not have a budget, but that does not mean we cannot make steps in that direction.
To do less, is a poor excuse for insisting that no one else may.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LD)

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2001 12:22:53 UTC