Re: Illustrating Guidelines

William Loughborough writes:
 > At 01:18 PM 5/12/01 +1000, Jason White wrote:
 > >In particular, there is disagreement over the efficacy of multimedia and 
 > >illustrations in this context.
 > I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "efficacy of multimedia". It's hard 
 > to imagine that anyone in the discussion thinks that multimedia 
 > presentations aren't effective.

Based on Matt's latest comments on this thread, it appears that he,
for one, agrees that illustrations should be available for the
guidelines but does not accept the contention that all checkpoints can
or should be illustrated. Thus it can't be said that there is
consensus within the working group over the extent to which
illustrations are necessary, and in respect of which checkpoints. It
is this which I was trying to express in my summary, without
expressing any personal opinion on the matter. After all, this summary
was written in my official capacity and I try carefully to delineate
(1) an assessment of where agreements and differences of opinion lie,
for the purpose of clarifying and facilitating the discussion; and (2)
my substantive views on the issues before the working group.

Received on Saturday, 12 May 2001 04:59:27 UTC