Re: Sources and conferences related to cognitive and learning disabilities

I'd like to see a collection of positive things we have discussed that might help LDD:

Perhaps we could make a  more formal list:

.gif links where suitable, ie to flash pages.

mm content where suitable

We can disseminate the type of problems encountered by ldd.

Compliance rating by disability



Simpler Language Alternative

provide evidence by doing the same at WAI.


There is no intention that all pages should have symbol representations, we do not need to discuss this, no-one has suggested this on this list.

I shall not be responding to 'negative' comments in future, so far as I am able.

Bruce wrote:

I submit that these examples go pretty far towards demonstrating that the nominal objective of replacing general text with graphics is beyond  our reach.  (I suspect there is a mathematical proof for this "theorem", but its construction is beyond me.  I doubt that formal evidence would go very far in dissuading the proponents here.)  I submit that the best we could hope to do is come up with guidance for constructing images that supplement understanding.  This latter goal is FAR more usability oriented than being true accessibility.  I respectfully suggest we suspend conversation on this topic and conserve our collective energies for topics that offer a hope of reaching some conclusion

I agree with this. However I don't believe anyone ever suggested discussing this, so it is a misunderstanding.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LD)

Received on Sunday, 29 April 2001 04:14:57 UTC