Re: Of course cost is relevant

When you work with learning disabilities you'll discover that it is an alice
in wonderland world.
People decide that something is doable, and just keep on trying until they
are prooved wrong.

For instance getting up an hour earlier to go to a 50 year old man's house
to escort him to college on public transport every day for 3 months just to
see if he might ever do it by himself. now the cost is relevant, but not by
normal criteria, and obviously we could not do this for the whole population
all the time. we wouldn't expect to and it would be ridiculous to suggest
it, we'd never have time for anything else.

You need to be aware that it is going on, and so do the rest of the
population. Examples of good practice need to be part of the guidelines, it
is very difficult to describe how to do this without text, and how are LDD
students to find out about accessibility.....

btw didi you visit that gardening site it
will give you all some insite into students needs and abilities, and what
other staff are attempting, it might not be flash, but it is certainly mm.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LD)

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2001 02:45:06 UTC