Re: SVG Plugin from Adobe

At 03:13 PM 12/19/2000 , Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>I assume that once I finish this lengthy download process (I'm on a
>56K modem), I will be able to view pages which contain inline 
>graphics in SVG format, and when I change my font size in my
>browser, those images will resized accordingly as well.

Nope, I'm not able to get this to work.  Could someone with experience
with SVG -- such as those of you who are claiming this increases
accessibility for people with low vision -- please explain to me
what I need to do with my browser and/or plugin in order to make
the font size change in accordance with my IE 5 preferences of
"Largest" vs "Smallest" font size?

I am testing on the following map which, since it is in SVG, should
be more accessible than a straight bitmapped GIF image:

Apart from requiring me to download a 2.42M file, I haven't found
any difference yet in my ability to see this image to the scale that
I require, as per my IE 5 text size settings.

>Also, I
>should be able to access -- using JAWS or Home Page Reader -- the
>accessibility information contained -within- those SVG files,
>such as titles or text and have those read out loud to me, correct?

I haven't even tried to use my screenreader on this page yet.  I will
wait on that until I am able to resize the map captions at will.


Kynn Bartlett  <>          
Director of Accessibility, Edapta     
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
AWARE Center Director            
What's on my bookshelf?               

Received on Tuesday, 19 December 2000 19:05:54 UTC