Re: yes/no on image text

William was most kindly forwarding my comment, so I will reply.

The words "significant barrier" comes straight from the P2 checkpoint on the
WCAG.  Non-scaleable text (in any form) obviously meets this criteria.  I am
not really going to try and argue that this is a P1 issue (although many
experience blind surfers will tell you that even missing or bad ALT text is
NOT always an absolute barrier to using a site).

Are you seriously looking for an arguement as to why non-scaleable text
should be promoted to P1 status?  Maybe it should.  It address the needs of
a population that is often overlooked.  Before we go down that path, I would
first plead for a consensus to Len's orginal question, less this thread go
on for another two months!

Are small graphical text naviagion buttons a P2 issue?

-- Bruce (hoping this post goes through)

on 11/28/00 7:30 PM, Kynn Bartlett at wrote:

> At 11:22 AM -0800 11/28/00, William Loughborough wrote:
>> William -- and anyone else who remains skeptical that non-scaleable text is
>> a significant barrier:
> Do we believe that it is a priority one (as defined in WCAG 1.0)
> barrier?  If not, why not?
> --Kynn

Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2000 23:40:59 UTC