RE: Textual Images vs. Styled Text

At 12:20 PM 11/28/00 -0500, Leonard R. Kasday wrote:
Is everyone behind me on this one? Please, preface any explanation with 
"yes" or "no".


I'm tempted to say "I'm in front of you" in some jocular sense implying 
that I'm for even more draconian enforcement of the guidelines, but...

I find it hard to believe that the stuff in question poses any significant 
problem for low vision users so long as it has alt="text" of decent 
quality. Maybe a little inconvenience (though I even doubt that), but not 
that tough. Of course I can only magnify it 1000% and don't have low vision 
so somebody who's affected by this could embarrass me by saying "you just 
don't understand that getting to the alt is too much trouble" or whatever 
that might make me feel uncaring.

To me at this time our rule is like the 55 mph speed limit and enforcement 
gets tempered with reality.

I'd urge them to explore other options (CSS, whatever) but on the whole (as 
W.C. Fields' epitaph is supposed to say, but doesn't) I'd rather be in 

Go to a low vision clinic and see what they can tell you. If they think 
this matters a lot (makes the site difficult to use), then switch me to 
"yes" - with my limited experience I really have to hedge on this and opt 
for "I dunno".


Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2000 12:47:31 UTC