Re: Minutes from 16 November 2000 WCAG WG telecon

At 03:07 PM 11/23/00 -0000, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>> Let's start with possible. How do you do it now? When you encounter a
>> page that has a personally impossible background but contains information
>> you are interested in. What *exactly* do you do to make that page usable
>> to you?
>Hmmmm. I haven't rally considered the "best" approach for now, but I would
>say that the *first step* is this:-
>a) Turn off backgrounds in browsers (rarely, but if possible)
>b) Use this user style sheet:
Sometimes I just print the document out if it's that inaccessible to
>me, which costs a small fortune in printer ink!

For a cognitively or learning disabled person who hasn't someone handy to
set up the style sheet for them or find options in a browser only printing
is possible. This is the option my husband uses with red/green pages. 

Which browsers let you take out background. I know you can take out
background for printing in Explorer but not sure if can take it for the
screen.  Seems like it could be an easy feature to add to browsers ... that
rules out the need for a personal style sheet, tho a style sheet may be
nice to make one feel "behind the wheel" on the web!


Anne L. Pemberton
Enabling Support Foundation

Received on Thursday, 23 November 2000 13:57:04 UTC