Re: Reviewer role for WCAG

A reviewer role is extremely helpful. Although we did not formalise it in AU
we had seveeral people who had agreed to act in such a way, and the UA group
also put considerable effort into securing commitments to review from people
who were not able to be full participants in the working group.

It would seem that if someone's interest is in Authoring Tools or User Agents
perhaps they should be encouraged to join the relevant working groups (or act
as reviewers for those groups). I think that there is a need for the
different groups to review each others' work (in particular AU has a very
heavy dependency on WCAG) but I think that review needs to be done by members
of the actual working group.


Charles McCN

On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Wendy A Chisholm wrote:

  The chairs and I have been discussing a "Reviewer" role for the working 
  group.  I thought that this had been discussed at one of the telecons, but 
  I don't see it represented in any of the minutes since January.

Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2000 14:44:19 UTC