QUESTIONS on resolutions stated in Minutes from 23 March teleconference.

>2) Issue 42.  Proposed to remove class="nav" from checkpoint example 
>  JW: Proper use of the class attribute.
>  GV: The "hack" part is creating a pseudo-standard for UAs.
>      That's not in a W3C standard.
JRG: Will there be any recommendation that UA can use to indicate that a
link is used for site navigation?

7) Issue 47. 
>   How is "summary" supposed to be used to indicate a table is for
>  GV: Does this mean that there's a code word as value?
>  JW: If you do it, do it with class, not summary!
>  CM: Content developers should say what's in the table
>      in "summary"
>  AG: This is a level of details in techniques we should
>      push. 
>  JW: We recommend use of tables for layout anyway. Reluctant
>      to endorse anything
>  AG: "title" is a better place than "summary" for this.
>  RESOLVED: Delete 
>   'Use the "summary" attribute to explain that the table is a layout
>    table.'
JRG: Will there be any recommended markup to indicate the function of a table?

>11) Issue 50. 
>    Making scripts accessible.
>    (See 8.2)
>  a) Proposed checkpoint
>       Technique: Use server-side scripts with forms. 
>       Technique: use NOSCRIPT.
>  RESOLVED: Replace 8.2 with:
>            Ensure that a page is usable when 
>            scripts are turned off or not supported.
>            If this is not possible,
>            provide equivalent mechanisms
>            on an alternative page. P1.
>      (For example, in HTML use server-side script or NOSCRIPT.)
>  b) Keyboard operability. P2.
>   AG: This is different from 10.1. This is about scripts
>       in "on*" events. They don't have interfaces.
>       Is this a GL issue or a UA issue?
>   GV: Not for UA if "onmouseover" specified.
>   AG: UA WG says UA needs to allow activation of
>       events through other means.
>   RESOLVED: New checkpoint in guideline 8:
>             For scripts and applets,
>             until user agents provide device-independent
>             means to activate event handlers, 
>             ensure that those event handlers are keyboard
>             operable. P2
>  /* Try to get 8.2 and this one together */
JRG: Will there be any recommendation to add markup to indicate how an
event is being used?

For example is if an event is used to just change the color of an element
or is adding some visual effect that really is not critical to user for
accessing the content of the page.


Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Voice: 217-244-5870
Fax: 217-333-0248

Received on Wednesday, 24 March 1999 10:14:49 UTC