Evaluation results: disability and assistive technology

<message 6 of 8>.
Patrick Schmitz's comments reflect requests by our participants.  They said
they would like more information about screenreaders, how users interact
with them, what they can and cannot do, how users and screenreaders will
interact with new tags.  It was also suggested that statistics on the
percentage of the population who are disabled could be included.  It seems
that more information of this type would help authors understand the
purpose of the Guidelines and the utility of the new tags.

Also, some participants formed some unhelpful misconceptions which could
perhaps be avoided by the provision of further descriptions.  These
included: that blind people may not realise that some pages need to be
scrolled; and that a screen reader may not recognise vertical bars.

Potential solution:
* This type of information could either be provided within the body of the
Guidelines, or perhaps in the Definitions Appendix.


Chetz and Helen.

Chetz Colwell and Helen Petrie,
<c.g.colwell@herts.ac.uk>, <h.l.petrie@herts.ac.uk>.
Sensory Disabilities Research Unit,
University of Hertfordshire,
Tel: +44 1707 284629
Fax: +44 1707 285059

Received on Saturday, 13 March 1999 07:39:31 UTC