Re: Content negotiation


Jason White took an action item during last Thursday's call to draft a note
to add to A.14.4 regarding server content negotiation.  After a bit of
discussion, we conclude that there are two separate checkpoints.  Our
discussion follows:

>"Also, when providing multiple versions of the same information in
>different file formats, configure your server to take advantage of HTTP
>content negotiation mechanisms; this will enable a browser to retrieve
>files of the preferred type automatically." 
>Can you improve this?

hmm, after rereading A.14.4 I have a few concerns.  Here is A.14.4: 

When linking to resources that are not W3C technologies, indicate what type
of resource you are linking to. For example, to link to a PDF file from an
HTML document, set the "type" attribute to "application/pdf" on the A
element. [Priority 3] 

Should we be limiting this only to technologies that are not W3C
recommendations?  It doesn't feel right.  Also, I really think these are
two separate issues and therefore we ought to have the following two

When linking to resources, indicate what type of resource you are linking
to, espcially for non-W3C technologies.  For example, to link to a PDF file
from an HTML document, set the "type" attribute to "application/pdf" on the
A element. [Priority 3] 

When providing multiple versions of the same information in
different file formats, configure your server to take advantage of HTTP
content negotiation mechanisms.  This will enable a browser to retrieve
files of the preferred type automatically. For example, if linking to both
a PDF and HTML version of the same document, [do what?] [Priority 3]

Does this fit best in A.14?


Received on Tuesday, 26 January 1999 11:34:37 UTC