Complex tables - issue #2 from yesterday's telecon

The second open issue discussed during yesterday's call was:

Needed definitions

Issue raised by: 1998JulSep/0097 & 1998OctDec/0033 29 Jul 1998 & 23 Oct 1998 

Issue resolved: 14 Jan 1999


   Definitions needed for tables: "well written," "complex," "simple"


   1. To get around having to define "complex" tables rewrite the table
guidelines as proposed by Charles McCathieNevile. 
   2. Use classes to define table types (such as wai-column or wai-data) as
suggested by Jon Gunderson. 
   3. Definition of complex tables - Daniel Dardailler - 23 Oct 1998 

Resolution and Actions

   1. A.8.2 and A.8.3 were promoted from Priority 2 to Priority 1. 
   2. A.8.2 now says, " For data tables, identify headers for rows and
columns (e.g., the HTML TD and TH elements). [Priority 1] 
   3. A.8.3 now says, "For data tables that have more than one row and/or
more than one column of header cells, use markup to associate data cells
and header cells
     (e.g., in HTML, THEAD, TFOOT, TBODY, COLGROUP, the "axis", "scope",
and "headers" attributes, etc.). 

thoughts?  is that wording clear enough?

Received on Friday, 15 January 1999 17:12:46 UTC