deaf non-reader

I am  a teacher of adults with learning difficulties, they do not all
conform to the above description however:

"the browser should be able to select for all qualities".

I take exception to your recommendation:
A.2 Alternative text and descriptions
Text is considered accessible to almost all users since it may be handled by
screen readers, non-visual browsers, braille readers, etc. It is good
practice, as you design a document containing non-textual information
(images, graphics, applets, sounds, etc.) to think about supplementing that
information with textual equivalents wherever possible.

Our site specifically requires that text is kept to a minimum and that
graphics as nearly as possible are transparent in understanding.

AltText should be supplied but "the browser should be able to select for all

Links to interactive sites:  no text

Our Science Museum Visit: a few
words and sounds

Our Horniman Visit:  students
thoughts written by them

Overview of the Symbols: subject labels only

Thank you

  Jonathan Chetwynd
                                                  Voice:    044.171.978.1764
  29 Crimsworth Road
  London SW8 4RJ

Received on Sunday, 20 December 1998 12:58:04 UTC