RE: Name of Page Author Guidelines

I don't understand what you mean by an application, other than a User 
Agent or an Authoring tool / generating tool.

As I understand it at the moment the AU guidelines specify (among other 
things) that the product of any tool which automagically generates (or 
assists in the generation of) HTML should be producing code according to 
the GL group's guidelines.

(Or am I just particularly dumb this week?)

Charles McCathieNevile

On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Charles (Chuck) Oppermann wrote:

> The word "Document" implies a document.  So are the guidelines limited to
> just documents or do they include HTML applications?  At the present, there
> isn't much attention applied to HTML applications, so maybe the term makes
> sense for this release.

Received on Wednesday, 18 November 1998 01:14:58 UTC