RE: Name of Page Author Guidelines

I prefer titles that omit "HTML" and "CSS". I think that:

- "web site" is friendlier 

- "web site" is less technical sounding.  We don't want to scare away
people who can understand the guidelines even if they can't work the

- As more protocols get added a title with HTML and CSS in it will become
really long. E.g.

HTML, CSS, XML, XSL ...  accessible design guidelines.

At 03:05 PM 11/10/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I prefer:
>"HTML and CSS Accessible Design Guidelines"
>"HTML and CSS Guidelines for Accessible Design"
>"HTML and CSS Universal Design Guidelines"
>"HTML and CSS Accessible Authoring Guidelines" (weak)
>You get my drift.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gregg Vanderheiden []
>Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 1998 9:12 AM
>To: GL - WAI Guidelines WG (E-mail); cg WAI Coordination Group (E-mail)
>Subject: Re: Name of Page Author Guidelines
>The question has come up occasionally as to whether the PA guidelines should
>be called Page Author Guidelines or whether they should have a broader
>title -
>Web Author Guidelines
>Site Author Guidelines
>Something Else
>The idea is that newer technologies and serving technologies are making
>"page" an increasingly ambiguous concept..  and we need to apply the
>guidelines beyond just page technologies.   Since we are close to sealing
>the guidelines up this would be the last and best time to change the name if
>we were going to.  But we need to decide soon.
>Some thoughts to get you thinking
>-  the guidelines seem to focus in at the page
>level.  Although it could be argued that "all images should have
>alternative text" should be applied site-wide but that each instance is
>handled on its own page.  We might need to reword some things...
>-  It sheds new light on "transform gracefully."  The definition would
>to be more site-based, "To transform gracefully means that a site remains
>usable despite user, technological, or situational constraints...Creating
>sites that transform gracefully is not more costly, but requires a
>different design approach that also makes individual pages compatible with
>emerging mobile technologies...."
>-  I think we can assume that the major design activities are not individual
>pages, but site-based.  Therefore, taking that approach in the guidelines
>would be in-synch with the audience.  However, would it deter people who
>are creating single-page sites (personal home pages)? How about people who
>just have a part of a site...or a page on a site. Or, is that their "site."
>-  It seems that we can abstract out to the site level in the introductions
>for each section (A, B, C), each guideline is page level, while techniques
>are site-level.    Yes?
>Your thoughts?
>Gregg and Wendy
>-- ------------------------------
>Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D.
>Professor - Human Factors
>Dept of Ind. Engr. - U of Wis.
>Director - Trace R & D Center
>FAX 608/262-8848
>For a list of our listserves send "lists" to
Leonard R. Kasday
Institute on Disabilities/UAP at Temple University, Philadelphia PA
telephone: (215} 204 2247

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 1998 09:11:37 UTC