potentially misinterpreted wording on label positioning

In Appendix C where it is talking about labels for form elements, it says

        15. A.12.4. For all form controls with labels, ensure that the
            label that is either:
               o [239]immediately following its control on the same line
                 (allowing more than one control/label per line).
               o or [240]on the line before the control (with only one
                 label and one control per line).                              

In the second list item [link 240] I would have taken this to mean
that the label is on one line, the control on the next.  That is
not what you mean.  I think that fewer people will be confused if
you just make it parallel with the first list item

               o or [240]on the same line but before the control (with 
                 only one label and one control per line).                              

Actually, I would have listed this as the first choice...


Received on Wednesday, 7 October 1998 21:10:47 UTC