My Guidelines - a new approach

Following the teleconference tis morning I have taken another approach to
the guidelines - list the HTML elements (attributes shouold crack a
mention too, but this is a quick 'n dirty prototype) and explain the
reequirements (in priority 1 2 3 terms) for each one. 

it is at

I think it is the sort of thing that could be included as part of the 
guidelines, or used as a reference. It still assumes that people can read 
HTML. This is not a good assumption - I know of people who are trying to 
make their websites accessible, but who only know how to use a WYSIWYG 
editor, not what the stuff behind it is.

It also does not cover general design issues, or how to write a style 
sheet / include images inside an object, etc. That's coming, if this is 

Charles McCathieNevile
RMIT University

Received on Thursday, 16 July 1998 23:10:38 UTC