Re: Language info recommendations

> Is there a disability access issue related to the language issue, or is it
> more general internationalization issue?
> Jon

The disability access issue is that if a document in English has a sentence
in Spanish, the sentence in Spanish should be rendered in Spanish and 
not in English.

For User agents:
For example a speaking browser that can read both English and Spanish
should interpret the lang attribute and read the text correctly.

For authors:
authors should specify the language of the Spanish phrase 
in the above example using the lang attribute to allow 
correct rendering.

I would say that it is an accessibility issue, since it seems 
more important in speech medium than in visual medium.

Paradoxically, there have been many more discussions about this in 
the stylesheet mailing list concerning how quotation marks are 
presented visually in different languages. (as if a document 
is unreadable if the quotation marks are not the correct ones).


Nir Dagan.

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 1998 13:02:17 UTC