Re: URL for new Draft to Review

On Sat, 11 Apr 1998, Alan J. Flavell wrote:

> I don't really understand what the drafters meant by "when a
> server-side map must be used", but I'm assuming they have some
> concrete situation in mind.  Are they for example thinking of a
> contest or puzzle, with the answers hidden in the server, and the use
> of a client-side map could give the answers away? 

Each region of a client side map must conform to one of the shapes
supported by the SHAPE attribute defined in the HTML 4.0 specification. If
a more complex map is to be created, in which the regions are irregular in
shape, then the author has no choice but to opt for a server side map.
Hence it is necessary for the guidelines to provide an alternative
solution which can be applied whenever this contingency arises.

Received on Saturday, 11 April 1998 20:53:45 UTC