TYPO - http://www.w3.org/TR/AERT#color-contrast


Very Nice, but I noticed a 'Typo' in:

Guideline 2.2.1 - Near the End, after the formulae, but
before "Suggested Message", you have the following
"The rage for color brightness difference is 125. The range
for color difference is 500."
I assume that the word "rage" should be "range".
(Both are good words, but not interchangeable!)

I thought you'd like to know, so I'll head back to "My
public-wai-rd@w3.org & w3c-wai-ua@w3.org

Sean Stapleford
Senior Assistive Technology Tester
TecAccess  -  http://www.TecAccess.NET/
(804) 355-3884

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