Re: Proposal: severity axis on test result

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Nick Kew wrote:

  > The question also arises as to how many kinds of result we should include in
  > earl and at what point we should leave people to subclass them for their own
  > more detailed uses.

  I wonder if we might want to use some syslog-like vocabulary,
  That still leaves the way open for people to do their own thing.

Well, we would like to define stuff so that people can figure out how to make
it interoperate - other than that people might as well use their own terms,
since that way we will know that we need to figure out after the event if
there is a way to interoperate.

intersting things to ponder. To be honest my personal priority is to get a
useful version of EARL done (my personal definition is that I can run a test
in one tool find two problems, use another tool to declare that in fact the
first problem isn't real, use another tool to do a repair, and then run the
test in the first tool and not get reports of those problems), but I think
there is value in following on with this - in part becuase it will probably
teach us stuff we need to think about for EARL.



Received on Sunday, 30 June 2002 18:54:18 UTC