Re: Devising a schema for accessibility testing

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

> How do you envisage adding tests that apply to free text? xml:PCDATA might be
> an option I guess. likewise for mime types...

Sorry, my last reply gave a politicians answer to that one:-(

In the sample posted, I defined the object of the test definition
as a collection of things like

Valet also uses tests on <html:attribute> - for example, on encountering a
color attribute it applies a test hasPeerAttr to check that a background
is also specified.  It could just as well apply to anything else in an
html: namespace, or - perhaps better - a dom: namespace.  That includes
text and cdata nodes, etc.

Generalising a bit further, if the subject of the tests isn't markup,
then neither is the object of the test spec.  So if we want to apply
a test definition language more widely, we will have to allow
something else in our object.  Seems fine to me.

What would Hixie need to use for CSS tests?

Nick Kew

Available for contract work - Programming, Unix, Networking, Markup, etc.

Received on Sunday, 30 June 2002 18:17:14 UTC