P.S. [was: Re: Playing with the model]

> Consider the following problem [...]

In fact, I didn't need to create a new example, since the "example2"
that you sent already contains a contradiction:-

   <http://mypage.org> :Result :passes .
   <http://mypage.org> :Result :fails .

I think that the problem may be the fact that both the XML tree and
the SVG vizualization are misleading because they seem to relate these
triples to the assertor, whereas in fact they are not related at all.
RDF is a graph not a tree - the tree structure in the SVG just kinda
helps you to vizualize where the relationships are.

N.B. It's kinda standard practice to use lower case intercap for
properties, and upper case for classes and everything else - people
are used to using them that way, and it'll make the examples easier to
read. cf.

To distinguish between classes and properties with similar names,
there is a convention to capitalize the first letter of a class (Car,
Human, etc.) and keep the first letter of a property lowercase
(hasOwner, homepage, etc.). Other than the capitalization rules above,
it is recommend that the rest of a URI is kept lowercase.
]]] - http://purl.org/swag/rdfnsPractises


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <http://purl.org/net/swn#> .
:Sean :homepage <http://purl.org/net/sbp/> .

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2002 16:36:49 UTC