Re: EARL Semantics and Queryability [was: Re: EARL-producing testing tool]

 "Sean B. Palmer" <>
> > If you POST your earl to it
> > will store it in a database (returns 500 status on error, or
> > echos your RDF back to you if no error.
> This sounds really neat, but I can't get it to work at all. I've tried
> POSTing, I've tried POSTing as a value, I've tried GETting... Could
> you give us an example, please?

As Nick says PUT would make more sense, a straight post, with the body
just containing the XML+RDF, I'll add in PUT later (I was meaning too but
forgot - annotea always doubles up PUT/POST so I assumed there was some
good reason!)


Received on Saturday, 16 February 2002 05:11:26 UTC