EARL 0.95 Update - Schema, and Examples

The latest schema is available in N3 from [1], and XML RDF from [2].
More importantly, there are now three examples of EARL 0.95 available
in N3 [3], [4], [5], and XML RDF [6], [7], [8]. The schema itself has
only undergone a few buggy changes - very nearly ready to be released,

One large issue: shall we keep the enumeration using "daml:oneOf" on
earl:validity, earl:confidence, and earl:testMode, or shall we let
people create their own terms? IMO, the latter.

Another issue: are we releasing this without prose? Can we add the
prose later using rdfs:isDefinedBy arcs?

[1] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23.n3
[2] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23.rdf
[3] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23_1.n3
[4] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23_2.n3
[5] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23_3.n3
[6] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23_1.rdf
[7] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23_2.rdf
[8] http://infomesh.net/earl/2001-05-23_3.rdf

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <http://webns.net/roughterms/> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <http://purl.org/net/sbp/> .

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2001 21:55:17 UTC