Re: Notation issues

> semEngish sounds simpler syntactically, more lisp-ish.  Do
> you have a pointer to it?

> Should we switch to semEnglish?

No - it was pointed out shortly after Seth wrote the thing that an "]" is
an allowed character in a URI, making it rather tricky. Therefore, you
can't use [URI], because the trailing "]" could be part of the URI... if
Seth used something like ^ instead, it might work, but the main problem is
that there are no tool to process it anyway. N3 has an N3 => RDF parser,
and even a logic based query engine: CWM. This is a shame, because
structurally, semEnglish is a great improvement over Notation3.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Monday, 5 February 2001 11:37:35 UTC