Re: EARL Announcement

> If someone can think of some meaningless thing for R to stand
> for that would be OK with me.

How about "Resource"... they put that in RDF, and it seems to mean
absolutely nothing as far as I can tell [1] :-)

> Having said all that, if the consensus of others is to make it
> Evaluation and Report Language, I'll go along with it.

We could always change it back again, I suppose. I still prefer
"Repair" for the reasons you have given, but it has to be admitted
that there isn't much in the way of "Repair" terms in the EARL 0.9
model... Daniel says in the original prose that repair information
could be associated by linking to a repair block from a certain
evaluation statement. I'm not quite sure how that will fit into 0.9,
but this is something that we can discuss - certainly, the language is
extensible enough to cope with just about anything; I made several
thousand versions over the weekend, and it was very simple to make the
changes (if it wasn't for the SVG diagram).

[1] There are many arguements on RDF IG about the nature of

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2001 12:55:20 UTC