Attaching Semantics to Class (was: open issues)

At 12:07 PM -0400 9/18/00, Wendy A Chisholm wrote:
>For example, issue #42. Attaching semantics to classes  had a lot of 
>discussion on the WCAG list, but was it resolved?  Len - did you 
>receive a satisfactory answer?  Seems to me it was still being 

In my opinion the issue was not sufficiently resolved and while
I like Len a lot, I don't like his proposal. :)  I feel that
exposing the arbitrary inner workings of HTML and CSS to the
end user -- i.e. by identifying specific "classes" -- is a
very poor solution to the problem of poor semantics in HTML
code.  A better solution would be to increase the semantical
content of HTML markup, not try to modify CSS in the proposed

Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Wednesday, 20 September 2000 12:19:53 UTC