Re: ERT XHTML Module for the WAI

At 12:51 PM 11/19/00 +0000, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>message will make a bit more sense now:

What must be accomplished insofar as W3C actions to make this doable? IOW 
what is the "watershed" event after which this particular enablement 
becomes functional? What is the probability of browser support - or is that 
even a major factor? If I understand correctly any browser that handles 
HTML X.x and CSSx will qualify?

Does this mean that we can make an XHTML "template" that includes the very 
stuff our guidelines address, i.e. we can make the validation of the file 
depend on certain treatments: (alt presence; accompanying style sheet class 
elucidations; indexing ala RDF assertions about conformance levels; various 
structural conventions, etc.

If this is correct then what're the caveats? If something sounds too good 
to be true...

Hello! is anybody here? How about a tool to convert images to SVG? Or 
perhaps built-in content negotiation to assure "graceful degradations" and 
"backward compatability".


Received on Sunday, 19 November 2000 08:42:33 UTC