Possible repair enhancement for Schematron

I have been trying to think of a way to add repair as well as diagnosis
to Schematron Schemas (e.g. for WAI); it wasn't a direction I intended
to take it originally, but I can think of one possibility.  I am not
sure that it would be particularly useful, so I welcome any input on
this: if it seems to be useful, then I will add it.

The idea would be something like this:

  <rule context="html:img">
     <assert test="string-length(@alt) &gt; 0" repairer="altRepair"
	>An image should have alternative text.</assert>
  <repair name="altRepair" at="@alt"
  >(The image '<value-of select="@src"/>' does not have a description.)

which would convert
	<img src="x.gif"/>
	<img src="x.gif" alt="(The image 'x.gif' does not have a

This kind of thing would allow insertions of elements, attributes and
their values at arbitrary places determined from the context nodes. But
I am not sure if this is really useful.  (The technique to implement
this, btw, is that first the document is processed to add identifier
attributes to every element that fails an assertion--these identifiers
label which rule fails. The a second step performs a transformation that
decorates the tree with the additional elements. This two-step process
is needed because otherwise adding subelements and attributes would
change the tree, so we cannot use the path addresses of elements to
repair them.)

Anyway, my main question is whether this kind of simple automated repair
is useful or not. 

As a related matter, it is conceivable (though I don't want to implement
it) that there could be a more interactive repair possible: the first
stage that detects problems queries the user for, in particular, text

  <rule context="html:img">
     <assert test="string-length(@alt) &gt; 0" repairer="altRepair"
	>An image should have alternative text.</assert>
  <repair name="altRepair" at="@alt"
  ><prompt href="@src"
   >Please provide alternative text for image '<value-of

in which the element prompt gives the text of a dialog prompt that the
user would see: the UI gives them a chance to look at the resource in
question (through the href) and they reply with a text string. This
string it then the contents of the repair element, which get put into
the alt attribute in this case. 

Again, I am really not sure whether this kind of thing would scale up to
allow the actual kinds of repairs that might be needed on XHTML (and
other data), without bloating into requiring a zillion different forms
and attributes, giving a poor simulation of a programming language.

Rick Jelliffe

Received on Thursday, 4 May 2000 10:12:47 UTC